What’s a story coach? What’s a story, coach?

If only there was someone who could help you enhance your message, elevate your performance and train you to become a better, stronger storyteller.

Business coach. Life coach. Health coach. Wellness coach. Fitness coach. Sports coach. Mindset coach. Financial coach. Nutrition coach…

There’s a coach for almost everything these days – and for good reason. We are stronger, more focused, more committed, better equipped, and ultimately better performers with the support of others cheering us on, helping us through challenging times, and pushing us to be and do better.

If you have at least one coach in your life, then you know what I’m talking about.

“Okay, great,” you’re probably thinking, “but what exactly is a story coach and why do I need one?”

First, let me say that’s an excellent question. I’m so glad you asked. Now, let’s talk about what stories are and what they do.

You might hear people say “data tells the story” but they are wrong. People tell the story.

Stories are the primary way we create meaning in the world, and are fundamental to how we make connections with others. That why humans have been creating and telling stories since before the advent of spoken language (think cave drawings!).

Don’t worry, I’m not about to do a deep dive into the long and rich history of stories and storytelling. I simply want to remind you that creating and telling stories are ancient skills that are truly fundamental to our evolution as a species. Indeed, our understanding of science and mathematics relies completely on our ability to tell stories.

Otherwise, g = 9.81 m/s2 would just be a jumble of numbers, letters and symbols if we were not able to express it as the force that keeps our feet on the ground.

So you might hear people say, “data tells the story” but they are wrong. People tell the story. And the stories are what brings meaning to the data and creates connection with other people. Data alone is otherwise meaningless.

Right, so stories and storytelling have been around for a long time. They are fundamental to who we are. We all tell stories. Yadda, yadda, yadda. But if it’s so essential to our nature, then why would we anyone need a coach? Shouldn’t we all be experts by default?

Sometimes you say too much. Sometimes you don’t say enough. And the rest of the time, you’re not saying much of anything at all.

Yes, everyone tells stories all the time. But not all stories make an impact. Why? Do you know if your stories are working for or against you? Are you telling the right stories to the right people and are they responding to them in the ways you need?

Think about how many times in a day, a week, or a month that you introduce yourself to someone new, or you reconnect with someone you haven’t spoken with in a while, and you inevitably talk about who you are and what you do. Have you ever thought closely about the words you’re using to describe yourself, your job or your business?

More often than not, this is the result: Sometimes you say too much. Sometimes you don’t say enough. And the rest of the time, you’re not saying much of anything at all.

Don’t feel bad. We all do it. Thinking about our stories is hard work, and we have so many other things to worry about. You’re thinking, “Surely, I know how to talk about myself and what I do, right?”

Okay, so maybe you’re getting by, but you know deep down it could be so much better. If only you had the time to think. If only you had the words. If only you had the confidence and clarity to deliver them with impact. If only there was someone who could help you enhance your message, elevate your performance and train you to become a better, stronger storyteller.

Someone like coach, perhaps?

There’s a coach for almost everything the days…and, yes, that\ includes for your stories. Are you ready to reach the next level with your business or in your career?

Book your free consultation today to discover how you can unlock your full potential through the power of storytelling.